Thursday, January 01, 2009


I have never been much of a resolution maker. But this year, which promises to be one helluva year, I figure I need some solid goals in order to keep up and stay connected to the swirl of change. So, I am jumping in and making it public…to keep me honest.

My resolutions, as well as the primary subject of this blog, will have to do with sustainability of one kind or another. Sustainability has become such a slippery word. For me, sustainability means consuming less and sharing more. This is as true in my relationships as it is in my possessions. I want to make a smaller footprint everywhere.

This blog is going to be a very important part of my journey. I will use it to keep record of this year, from my perspective…keep people I already know connected to what I am doing…and to, hopefully, build a virtual community of people who, like me, are working their way to their own personal connection with sustainability.

For the record, here are my resolutions:

  1. Become wired. I am tweeting (look me up on twitter and follow me!)…facebooking (same thing…search me) and now committed to blogging at least three times a week. This is building and sustaining community.
  2. Meditate, somehow, every day. To sustain peace of mind.
  3. Tweet gratitude once a day, every day. To sustain balance and a sense of gratitude.
  4. Thrift shopping once a month…never done it. Will be a giant adventure! Recycling instead of consuming.
  5. Find and participate in at least one barter session this year. Direct trade, ultimately a more sustainable model than international trade.
  6. Recreate the dinner party “salons” with my local community…this is wonderful, more to come on this later. Sustaining community and sharing.
  7. Learn to knit. A hobby of sustainability.

Most of the blog entries will be about working toward sustainability…but I am thinking my weekend post will be goofy and funny…I won’t be able to maintain my enthusiasm for this if I can’t play a little (I say this as if my posts will be very somber…hard to imagine if you know me.)

I have a very consuming full time job, and we are planning to move the family into town this year, so it is going to be a very busy year.

Bookmark me. It’s gonna be fun.

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